Personal Training

Personal Training

1-2-1 Mobile Training

We offer a fully mobile personal training sessions direct to you.  This takes away the stress of going to the gym.

Workout at home or a place and time that is convenient to you.

Whether you are training for:-

-Improving Fitness

– Muscle gain

-Fat loss

-Injury prevention & rehabilitation

-Improving Flexibility

MSV Training carry all of the essential equipment to give you a fully bespoke workout to suit your needs.  This involves a combination of cardiovascular, resistance and flexibility based exercises.  This workout lasts 60 minutes.


Group Personal Training

Whether your looking to train in a small group or train with a friend, keep each other motivated and theres nothing like a bit of friendly competition.

All workouts are tailored to suit your needs but be warned, this workout will guarantee to work up a sweat and get you the results together.

This workout is available on both a mobile and studio basis, so we can come to you or come and try our studio located in Croxley Green, Hertfordshire.


Personal Training at our studio

1-2-1 Personal Training – This is available in 30 minute or 1 hour sessions.

Training is tailored to suit your individual needs from injury rehabilitation, flexibility, fat loss, lean muscle gain, sport specific and injury prevention.

MSV Training has developed a number of unique training systems, most famous is the MSV Burner.

This is ideal to be done on a 1-2-1 basis, where we provide a high octane workout that hits every energy system to melt fat and increase your fat burning for up to 48 hours post workout.  This comes in 30 minute and 60 minute sessions.

If you would prefer to train with a training partner, we will devise a plan that has you both working to your optimum level and don’t worry, you won’t be hanging around waiting for equipment. Lets get your fitness journey started Today via our contact us page.